2-day workshop 22-23 Mar
Heal wounds of being seen + step into your fullness using the magic of poetry. Live in the Netherlands.

2-day workshop 31 May - 1 June
Heal ancient wounds of silencing and experience speaking from your soul. Live in the Netherlands.
Nice to meet you!
Hi! I’m Rionach! I overcame decades of debilitating shyness to become a CEO, poet and transformation leader. I love to support soulful business owners to grow magnetic visibility, so you can activate your perfect people and become seen, known and valued!
More about me

Rionach is a world-class transformational coach. She supported me to make profound shifts in visibility and thought leadership. As a result, I got clear on my ideal client, created a new one-page website in a day and honed my transformational story. She helped me navigate the roller-coaster ride of visibility, including shifting from overwhelm to leading a transformational seminar for 300 people in a relaxed, grounded way. My gratitude and respect for her are enormous!
Lisa Peek, Wealth & Feminine Leadership Mentor, The Netherlands, LisaPeek.com

Deep-dive videos to grow your magnetic visibility
Be seen. Be known. Be valued.
Discover the deep roots behind your habits of hiding. Transform how you show up!