You’re a committed transformational leader, coach, creative, healer.
Your soul is nudging you to rise, to show up at a whole new level.
To stand in the spotlight of your truth, and actively call in the ones who need your wisdom.
You feel the promise.
You may not know where the road will lead you.
But you’re ready to commit to a new beginning.
Yet the old tugs still hold you back.
Next-level visibility wobbles
cause you to stumble each time you start.

I see you ...
Caught in habits of hiding - getting the hit to show up, but distracting yourself with busy work.
Feeling frozen or brain foggy when you go to write, speak or share your next-level message.
Not going all-in on sharing your soul-guided offerings because it feels exposed and vulnerable.
Doubting the value of what you bring and asking yourself ‘Who am I to …?’
Frustrated that for all your effort, you're not seeing a return on your investments.
You’re no stranger to transforming your life.
But you’re bumping into persistent patterns that you can’t seem to get to the bottom of, no matter what you do.
You’re ready to reveal those sneaky blindspots that have been running your life.
So you can finally get off that exhausting old merry-go-round and experience what’s possible for you on the other side.
Radiating a presence that touches others - they feel you and feel seen by you.
When you share, people stop the scroll - they listen, respond and enrol.
Feeling confident to share your truth in a way that feels potent, alive and aligned with the transformation you bring.
Owning your magic and your gifts and becoming magnetic to your perfect people.
Being fully and joyfully engaged with every stage of your visibility adventures.

Before working with Ríonach, I was stuck in hiding, terrified of sharing my ideas because I'd never felt safe doing so. Growing up, I was told that my insatiable curiosity and daring words were not welcome. They made others uncomfortable and challenged conventions and authority. It felt dangerous to shine. And so I shrank, I dimmed my light, I stayed quiet in order to stay safe, liked, loved.
The Visibility Superpowers Experience released my fear of being shot down as an attention-seeker. Ríonach helped me create my own inner safety around the belief that I know what I know. The effect was immediate. Now I speak my mind without fear. I'm writing and sharing my words again. I'm calling my people in from a place of inner safety and self-trust, and they're responding.
Ríonach’s work is real magic - powerful and deep.
Annette Vaucanson Kelly, Writer, Wild Swimmer, Earth Guardian
This is what comes with revealing the next level of your soul-led work.
This is your deepest longing AND also what terrifies you the most.
I get it.
I know what it’s like to be so petrified
that you hide behind the busy work
of creating content, webpages, launches.
The heartache of feeling you gave everything,
and hardly anyone responded or enrolled. It hurts.
When I learned how to show up fully,
melt my frozen parts and honour my unique gifts,
everything changed.
I overcame decades of debilitating shyness
to become a poet, speaker, visionary leader,
healer and skilled space-holder for transformation.
Now when I share my depths,
I touch people’s hearts, melt their frozen parts
and help them see their own essence.
I love to support transformation leaders
to grow magnetic visibility
through shifting their energy at a very deep level.
I know it’s possible to expand your visibility capacity
to align with your visionary depths.
That’s the journey I take you on
in the Visibility Superpowers Experience.
You can let weeks, months or even years go by, dreaming about how you can share your wisdom and make your difference.
Or beating yourself up for not making the progress you know is possible for you.
The truth is, these kinds of blocks are deep, ancient and hard to see, let alone break through on your own.
The journey into new levels of becoming seen, known and valued is not for the faint-hearted.
But it’s SO worth it. And a whole lot easier with a trusted guide at your side.
The Visibility Superpowers Experience is a guided journey designed to reveal the energy pattern that’s currently holding you back from the new level of visibility that’s calling you.
Here’s how it works.
Your transformation begins as soon as you commit to shifting your energy and step into the Visibility Superpowers Experience. Once enrolled, I’ll invite you to reflect on and share your vision, intentions and current reality around your next-level visibility.
As I review your reflections, I’ll tune in and create a Personal Poetry Prescription for you. A selection of 6-8 transformational poems from my extensive treasure trove. The process of choosing one poem will help you hone in on the energy shift your soul is inviting you into to support your next steps.
The right poem goes deep fast and begins to melt frozen parts from the inside out, while activating new energies and possibilities. It’s a truly magical and unique process (even if you feel that poetry is not for you)!
Then we will come together on Zoom for your 90-minute Energy Alchemy Session.
As an energy-sensitive and seer, I can ‘read’ the energy patterns ready to be transmuted from your field and pinpoint their origins from personal, collective, ancestral and soul levels. This soul-guided session can include:
- deep energy clearing
- healing ancient persecution wounds
- activating your powerful gifts
- reconnecting with your soul’s magic.
As you are held in this deep healing pool of presence, the protective walls keeping you hidden can melt and your unique visibility superpowers emerge. These are the capacities that cultivate your potent presence, so you can feel seen and appreciated by others - and yourself.
A week later, we will come together once more for your 30-minute Integration Session. Integrating such a deep energy shift into your life takes time. You will be supported to tune into your deepest knowing for what comes next. Clarify your vision for what becomes possible to create from your new superpower energies, and how you can begin to embody this new way of being.
For some people the work will be complete here. And if you choose to step into deeper work with Rionach, the value of your Visibility Superpowers Experience will be applied to your coaching program (programs vary in length and start at €3K).
In summary:
- COMMIT by signing up for the Visibility Superpowers Experience.
- CLARIFY your vision in your Intentions reflections.
- REVEAL your energy pattern through your Poetry Prescription.
- HEAL and transform in your Energy Alchemy Session.
- PLAN to integrate your energy shift in your Pathfinder Session.
Are you ready to activate your visibility superpowers?
What others say:

I wanted help to overcome my freeze response so I could show up consistently. I was astonished by how deep the work went. I experienced a huge clearing of cellular and ancestral blocks that were keeping me in hiding. The program and my poem broke those walls around my heart, melted them from the inside. A whole new world opened up as I felt the power within me and saw that people really want to listen to what I have to say! Before I didn't feel safe to create from this place. Now I can drop into my heart and radiate from there! Rionach creates such a safe, loving space. She’s present, authentic and holds nothing back.
Sandra von Schmeling, Qigong teacher, Germany
Rionach’s work is gentle but goes so deep. I had so much drive to share my gifts but felt stuck on actually letting them be seen. Her gift of clearing visibility blocks is unique - she knew just where to find the root of everything that was blocking me from sharing my gifts. I shifted from being unable to show up on video to doing regular Facebook lives, and finally publishing my website and membership program. It was a transformational experience that created a significant shift for me.
Joan Buckley, Spiritual Guide & Energy Intuitive, Ireland,

The Visibility Superpowers Experience is for you if
- You desire to clear deep blocks and create lasting change.
- You know that being uncomfortable is part of the process, and that the right support helps you move through it with greater ease.
- You trust your heart to lead you - even when it's scary and makes little sense.
- You know there's a pattern you can't quite see on your own and you're willing to explore it.
- Your soul says YES right now!
The Visibility Superpowers Experience is NOT for you if
- You’re not willing to get uncomfortable.
- You’re not ready to invest time, energy and resources in your own transformation.
- You aren’t prepared to take aligned action to create positive change.
Your voice matters
Our world needs more transformation leaders to boldly become visible.
It's time to reveal your real magic and become seen, known and valued.
It is possible to bring an energy that's so vibrantly YOU, that you no longer need to push or hold back.
The Visibility Superpowers Experience will reveal your potent presence so you can become magnetic to your perfect people.
I invite you to do deep soul work with me.
It would be my honour to guide you as you expand into that purpose with joy, grace and ease.
If your soul is saying yes, join me for the next chapter in your visibility adventure!
Have questions you need answered or want support in exploring whether the Visibility Superpowers Experience is a fit for you? Message me your questions here.

What others say:

Rionach helped me to identify things rooted in my past which were holding me back and rewrite those stories so that I could respond positively to various situations. The results were extraordinary and life changing for me. I went from lacking confidence and feeling uncomfortable doing videos to hiring a videographer and recording my first videos - it was a breeze! I feel so much more grounded and happier because I know whatever life throws at me, I can go at it with my strengths. Rionach is empathic, authentic and holds a very safe space.
Helen Sewell, Finance Director & Business Navigator, England, The Business Navigator
Before I worked with Rionach, I was doing all the right things, investing in coaches, healers and programs to bring my transformational work to life. But something was missing - me! My essence and soul had become lost in ‘shoulds,’ ‘not enoughs,’ and all the tech necessary to bring my wisdom leadership to my people.
My belief in the power of what I offer multiplied tenfold because Rionach completely saw me. It gave me back the self I’d lost. If you have something in your bones you know you want to share - but are in hiding - Rionach's work and magical presence will help you see your uniqueness and bring your confidence to life.
Jenny Kiely, Intuitive Artist & Transformative Coach, Ireland, Inspiritus Life

Rionach is a world-class transformational coach - skilled, compassionate and professional. She supported me to make profound shifts in visibility and thought leadership. As a result of working with her I got clarity on my ideal client, created a new one-page website in a day and honed my transformational story. She helped me navigate the roller-coaster ride of visibility - including shifting from overwhelm to leading a transformational seminar for 300 people in a relaxed, grounded way. My gratitude and respect for her are enormous!
Lisa Peek, Wealth & Feminine Leadership Mentor, The Netherlands,