Generating Your Own Safety


You can’t fake safety. (I can’t anyway.) 

My energy freezes. 

Protective behaviours kick in. Mindless browsing. Chocolate. Easy distractions. 

The contraction takes me into my head. Confusion clouds my clarity. I doubt myself and my next steps. 

It's hard to feel my flow, where my energy wants to take me. 

Pushing through mostly doesn't work (for me). 

What shakes your foundations of safety?

This year I've been faced with 3 close family members going on unexpected cancer journeys.  Encountering evidence of darkness in our world that shook me to my core. Feeling like Neo in The Matrix waking up after taking the red pill. 

To keep showing up through life's challenges, especially as a shy, sensitive person, I've had to learn how to generate my own safety. 

This helps me (and my clients) to melt the frozenness and create visibility flow!

Watch this video to:

  • Understand the power of taking responsibility for creating your own safety in allowing you to show up and shine
  • Discover the key practice of visibility alchemy that’s a game changer for my clients
  • Experience the poems that activate your inner safety and guide you to hold a powerful space for yourself

We’ll be going even deeper into this topic during the Poetry Breakthrough Experience 5-day challenge! We start Monday 11 October. 

Find out more and register here.

This training took place inside my free Visibility for Visionary Leaders Facebook group. Click here to join the conversation and access our weekly live trainings.

Join the Magnetic Presence Retreat, 21-23 April 2023.

  • Break through visibility blocks that keep you playing small.
  • Access your ability to embody your essence and speak from your soul.
  • Develop the kind of presence that opens deep magnetic connection.
Find out more and register now!