Clearing the Fear of What Others Think


Do you censor yourself for fear of being judged? 

Do you play small because of how others might react if you expressed yourself more fully?

Do you often imagine what others might be thinking about you?

We are wired for belonging. So it’s not a huge surprise that one of our biggest fears about stepping into greater visibility is the fear of what others will think. 

Fear of rejection. Fear of being judged. Fear of not being liked. Fear of criticism. Fear of being seen as crazy. Fear of isolation. Fear of negative opinions.

It feels terribly exposing. Even in your imagination. 

These fears lead us to hold back, procrastinate, feel frozen, play small, not share the real stuff, stay stuck in habits of hiding, protect ourselves, stay safe. 

What’s your experience around this? 

Imagine a world where the heart-centred, sensitive ones, those who can imagine better ways of doing things, felt confident to share their wisdom and vision. 

What difference would that make to our world? 

So come join me. Let’s learn how to work with these paralysing fears. 

So you can step forward as the visionary you are and make the difference your heart is urging you to create.

Watch this video so you can:

  • Generate the clarity you need to tone down the voice of your fear gremlin
  • Discover how to relate to your fear in ways that empower you to move forward
  • Learn how to disentangle yourself from others in healthy ways

I will support you to identify who these specific 'others' are you for, particularly in relation to the next step into visibility you feel called to take. 

Then I'll guide you through a deep process to hold space for the part of you that's afraid, connect to their feelings and wisdom. 

And finally lead you through a deep process to untangle yourself from the energies of those you fear - so you can freely step forward and share your wisdom. 

"Sometimes we don’t give these 'others' the credit that they deserve. And sometimes we give them more power than we should."

If you were not afraid of what anyone thought of you, what would you do? What would you say? What does your heart want to fearlessly express?

Join our challenge by sharing a post: "When I release the fear of what others think, what I most deeply desire to express is …" 

Share it in our Facebook Group:

Or on your own platform and tag me. I'd love to hear what your heart wants to say when you free your visionary voice! 

If you want some support with this, reach out to me. We can hop on a call and help you get clear on what you need. I'd love to have a no-pressure, clarity-generating chat with you. Schedule a call here

Join the Magnetic Presence Retreat, 21-23 April 2023.

  • Break through visibility blocks that keep you playing small.
  • Access your ability to embody your essence and speak from your soul.
  • Develop the kind of presence that opens deep magnetic connection.
Find out more and register now!